Thursday, October 7, 2010

That was a whirlwind two weeks!

I tell ya, when my family gets together its absolute MADNESS! I love it though, nothing better than getting together with all of your family and being forced to either fight it out or end up having a blast. With us, we do both! Lmao! I have a large variety of personalities in the group, sweet, smart, loving, ambitions, lazy, crazy, and certifiable-heehee! So I guess we're like everyone else's familia. I must have hosted like 8 dinners ala mi casa and for a minimum of 35people at a time...that was insanity all in of itself. I don't mind though, anything I can do to bring people together and make their tummies happy! I am finally getting back to my normal routine of continuous over-working and working out, feels good! Spin class tomorrow and then more work! Here's a piece of the update I am working on tonight for you all tomorrow...I figure one last bikini to end the summer season with will heat things up a bit!

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