Monday, April 13, 2015
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Are you happy?
I really strive to handle my stress better than I used to, it doesn't always work but it makes a huge difference on your day to day life-trust me. We all have our fair share of shit happen, but its how we react to it that makes a world of difference!
Come to terms with these patterns. The biggest enemy you ever have to face is the one inside of you.
Focus on what you can do at the present moment and not about how you can worry about the outcome.
I hope this finds you all well & you are able to make the tweaks you need to live a fuller & happier life.
Updates in my little world, Baby is doing really much better! He's responding nicely to the new meds & IVs. Not necessarily getting better kidney function but not any worse-he is eating and he has tons more energy! Which is GREAT!
Website is GOING lol, the new hurdle is dealing with CCBILL, we are trying to make it simple for all of the current members. The new team I am working with uses a different billing company thus is our issue. It WILL be fixed though soon! Within a week or two! Then I will make the really big announcement you've all been waiting for :O)
I hope you're all having a fabulous day! xxoo
xxoo Love Brianna |
We tend to be unconscious of behaviors that are causing pain and unnecessary suffering in our lives.
If we could just become more conscious of behaviors that are leading to the pain in our lives, we would be a lot happier. Today we can start giving up some of the things in our life that are causing this conflict.1. Stop complaining.
Nobody wants to be around someone who complains all the time. Yet we all do it. Instead of finding a reason to complain, look for the solution if you’re facing a problem. Look for something positive in your life. There’s always something positive to find in our life if we shift our focus.Don’t find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain.
~ Henry Ford
2. Stop Judging.
Stop judging other peoples lives and focus on perfecting your own life. We spend so much time gossiping rather than working on perfecting ourselves. Focus on your own life, and how you’re going to perfect it.We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.
~ Paulo Coelho
3. Stop avoiding your fear.
Fear is an obnoxious thing—it slows you down from finding a career you love, a romantic relationship and pursing your dreams. Do something that makes you uncomfortable every day, in small steps, and it will dramatically alter the course of your life.Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
~ Rumi
4. Stop being so hard on yourself.
The biggest enemy that you face is the one inside you—this enemy criticizes, condemns, and complains. Don’t let these unconscious patterns run your life.When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
~ African Proverb
Come to terms with these patterns. The biggest enemy you ever have to face is the one inside of you.
5. Stop being negative.
If you focus on being negative it’s going to show up everywhere in your life. It will show up in your work, relations and everything else. Shift your focus away from being so negative all the time. Find things that make you come alive!Misery loves company.
~ Anonymous
6. Stop caring about what other people think of you.
Every great artist, musician, political leader, ignored what people thought of them. Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. What people think of you should not drown out your own inner voice and inspirations.Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
~ Lao Tzu
7. Stop worrying about the small stuff.
Think about all the unnecessary worries that go through your mind all day. We worry about why someone is not returning our emails, texts, phone calls. We worry about everything and anything.When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.
~ Winston Churchill
Focus on what you can do at the present moment and not about how you can worry about the outcome.
8. Stop needing to be right all the time.
Stop needing to be right all the time, this can lead to so many unnecessary arguments. Instead of needing to be right, start working on being more open to other peoples opinions. Start asking more questions and become more interested in other people’s points of view. It may open a whole new dimension of life.The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar to new ideas. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong than to be always right by having no ideas at all.
~ Edward De Bono
9. Stop blaming others.
We constantly blame everyone for all types of different things. Quit blaming other people for your circumstances. If you want to change something go out and do it! Don’t blame someone for your present day situations.People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.
~ George Bernard Shaw
10. Stop living in the past or the future.
So much of our attention is on past experiences or on how we will be in the future. Focus your mind on the present moment. We would be so much happier if we placed our attention on the present.You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.
~ Henry David Thoreau
I hope this finds you all well & you are able to make the tweaks you need to live a fuller & happier life.
Updates in my little world, Baby is doing really much better! He's responding nicely to the new meds & IVs. Not necessarily getting better kidney function but not any worse-he is eating and he has tons more energy! Which is GREAT!
Website is GOING lol, the new hurdle is dealing with CCBILL, we are trying to make it simple for all of the current members. The new team I am working with uses a different billing company thus is our issue. It WILL be fixed though soon! Within a week or two! Then I will make the really big announcement you've all been waiting for :O)
I hope you're all having a fabulous day! xxoo
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Its been a really hard month in my house, I think the stress of dealing with my little man really caught up to me. On the verge of having a nervous breakdown, I got sick instead. Serious Ear/throat infection...its been almost a week now taking antibiotics and I finally am starting to feel more like me again!
Baby is doing SO much better, he's gained some weight back and is now trying to adjust to carrying it with his poor little arthritic legs...blood tests this upcoming Monday will reveal whether or not the meds have been working to help his kidneys or not. He acts like he feels better, lets just hope its really working! I hate giving him IVs 3x per week! He hates it too :O(
Are ya'll ready to get lucky?? Its almost St Patty's Day & lots of craziness happens here in Las Vegas...what about where you're from?
If its normal around here, I will be working like usual ;o) But only so that I can continue bringing you guys the best of me! I have re-created my youtube page and would love if you would like & subscribe to my page and watch my vids :o) You can find me at BRIANNASTUBE and if you're not already following me on Instagram! Shame on you, get to it! BRIANNA'sIG and you all are my tweeties right?? Come on Brianna Brigade! Show your love & support by doing your part!
My members are the best show of support, I love all of the "I'm your #1 fan claims" but they aren't website members & don't follow my social media...DUH. Members get 1st priority into knowing the REAL me and only a select few at that, so be respectful & do your part! For those that already do, you know I am eternally grateful. It takes a LOT of balls to post my life-in all aspects of it to the world in such a instantly permanent way. I appreciate all of the guys & girls that get that. Its not easy doing all I do, but I do it because I love you!
(Shhhhh, word on the streets is that my website relaunch is coming just in time for April Showers!!!!)
Love & kisses
Brianna Jordan
Baby is doing SO much better, he's gained some weight back and is now trying to adjust to carrying it with his poor little arthritic legs...blood tests this upcoming Monday will reveal whether or not the meds have been working to help his kidneys or not. He acts like he feels better, lets just hope its really working! I hate giving him IVs 3x per week! He hates it too :O(
Are ya'll ready to get lucky?? Its almost St Patty's Day & lots of craziness happens here in Las Vegas...what about where you're from?
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Festive enough for ya ;) |
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Kiss me I'm (not) Irish! |
My members are the best show of support, I love all of the "I'm your #1 fan claims" but they aren't website members & don't follow my social media...DUH. Members get 1st priority into knowing the REAL me and only a select few at that, so be respectful & do your part! For those that already do, you know I am eternally grateful. It takes a LOT of balls to post my life-in all aspects of it to the world in such a instantly permanent way. I appreciate all of the guys & girls that get that. Its not easy doing all I do, but I do it because I love you!
(Shhhhh, word on the streets is that my website relaunch is coming just in time for April Showers!!!!)
Love & kisses
Brianna Jordan
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Baby blues....
Baby almost 10 years ago, one of my fav pics of him :) |
Tuckered out |
There is no other animal in the world that loves you more than himself, but a dog. |
He loves my feet as much as you guys do! For different reasons lol!
My little Baby beggar (pre-sick days) |
Little by little :) I am (trying to) staying optimistic and know that he will be ok. I cannot lie though, the stress of this has been a lot to handle. He really is my son and will forever be the most important person in my life (yes, he's a person to me...)
Loves playing with his squeaky bone...
So I will get caught up again, live shows will resume, website updates will continue...the relaunch is very close. I know they are still coding videos and content but we are in the end stage of the release & just tying up some loose ends with the design portion. You will all be very happy I am positive.
Thank you for all understanding and for the well wishes and positive thoughts. We really appreciate them. Next blog entry will be a happy one! Talk soon xoxo
Brianna signing off ;)
Hugs & Kisses |
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around!
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Thursday, January 8, 2015
Happy New Year! Its 2015!!! Let'sjump start things! FREE GIFT, read on to find out how!
HI! |
Hopefully you guys were able to enjoy some time off with the family/friends?! I still saw some of my fam which was nice. Made an INCREDIBLE XMAS eve dinner...every year I make an Italian dish for Christmas since everyone's burned out of Turkey (not me though, I made a FANTASTIC turkey on NYE with mashed garlic cauliflower & haricoverts)
What did I make? I made an incredible cranberry kale salad, butternut squash soup, homemade meat ravioli's, and for dessert-poached pears MMMMM. Delish
So this is an example of an indulgent meal made health'ier'. PORTION CONTROL IS EVERYTHING!!!
(Super easy & fast!)
Kale Salad with warm Cranberry dressing
You'll need:
1 bunch of organic Kale
3 tbsp. olive oil
salt/pepper to taste
1 bag fresh cranberries
1/2 c sliced almonds
2 tbsp. honey
3 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 shallot diced
3 clove garlic
Stevia leaf sweetener
Juice & zest of half a lemon
(To prep Kale, you'll need to cut into thin strips add some olive oil & SP to taste and massage it gently for about 1-2 minutes**trust me, do this & you'll fall in love with Kale)
-Heat 2 tbsp olive oil on medium, add shallot & sauté for 5 min or until tender, add garlic sauté for 1 more min. then add cranberries, vinegar, honey, lemon juice & zest, sweetener-stir to combine. -Reduce to med low heat & cover, stir occasionally for 5 min. (fresh cranberries will start popping open, its ok
-In large bowl, toss kale with dressing & Almonds....serve & enjoy!
(If you can't find fresh cranberries, you can get dried but make sure there is NO sugar added)
Brianna's Butternut Squash Soup **LOVE THIS!
What you'll need:
1 tbsp olive oil
1 package organic butternut squash (Costco's is a great value) about 3 1/2 cups-more is ok
3/4 c chopped or pre-shredded carrot
half of a sweet onion chopped
2.5 c of low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 c plain fat free yogurt
1/4 tsp salt
-heat olive oil in large sauce pot, add squash, carrot & onion, sauté for about 12 min, add chicken broth & bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat & let simmer for 30 min. Remove from heat, add salt & yogurt-transfer mixture to a blender-carefully-its hot!
-remove center piece of blender lid (to allow steam to escape) place a clean towel over opening & gently blend going up in level until mixture is smooth.
-Serve and enjoy!
(If I gave you my homemade ravioli recipe, I'd have to kill if you're lucky enough to be family or friends that eat it, bravo lol! Maybe one of these days I'll come up with a cookbook & then divulge my secrets!)
Garlic Mashed Cauliflower **I promise its as good as mashed potatoes but won't have you feeling sluggish!
You'll need:
1 cauliflower head
1/2 package of greek yogurt cream cheese
1/2-3/4c Fat free milk
4 clove garlic
1 tsp garlic salt
pepper to taste
-steam cauliflower until soft, add to a food processor or blender (if it fits-you can smash it down) add milk, greek yogurt cream cheese, garlic, salt, pepper, blend until smooth (adjust amount of milk, less if you want thicker, more thinner)
-Enojoy...Everyone DIED over this side dish at my house...they all wanted more!
If you want to compliment your healthy eating habits, you really need to get UP and get active! As I said, Baby don't have to be an extremist like some people I know (ME! hehe!) but you do need to push yourself to get it together. You're the only one that can change. As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over, expecting different results! So be the best you that you can be! We all need to set goals for ourselves. Start with something where there is an end date, where you can really be proud of your accomplishments & possibly treat yourself to something great. A spa day perhaps? A new outfit to compliment your hot body?! Then get it back together and set a NEW goal. You should always be trying to be better. A sample beginner workout, its actually what I have been doing after being so weak from pneumonia to get back into it without killing myself.
Lat pull down
Reps: 15 @ (ex 40lbs) 12 @50lbs 10 @60lbs 8 @70lbs 6 @80lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Seated rows
reps: 15/12/10/8
Dumbell rows on bench
reps: 15/12/10 (each arm)
Reverse lat pulls
reps: 15/12/10
Cardio: MISS training, elliptical machine-40-65% of max effort for 35-45 min.
Day 2
Dumbell Press
Reps: 15 @ (ex 10lbs) 12 @12.5lbs 10 @15lbs 8 @17.5lbs 6 @20lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Dumbell Flys
reps: 15/12/10/8
Barbell Bench
reps: 15/12/10
Cable flys
reps: 15/12/10
Cardio: HIIT Elliptical; 1 minute 50-60% max effort, 1 minute 85-90% max effort, repeat 15 times.
Day 3
EZ curl bar
Reps: 15 @ (ex 20lbs) 12 @25lbs 10 @25lbs 8 @30lbs 6 @35lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Hammer Curls
reps: 15/12/10/8 (each arm)
Seated Dumbbell Curls
reps: 15/12/10
Machine Preacher Curls
reps: 15/12/10
Crunch with Med ball support
Reps: 15/15/15/15
rest 30sec btwn reps
weighted crunches (use weighted ball, barbell weight, dumbbell weight-water jug whatever!)
reps: 15/15/15
Toe Touches
reps: 15/15/15
Side ups
reps: 15/15 2x each side
Day 4
Reps: 15 @ (ex 20lbs) 12 @25lbs 10 @25lbs 8 @25lbs 6 @30lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Tricep push down machine
reps: 15/12/10/8
Tricep Dips
reps: 15/12/10
Tricep pull down cables
reps: 15/12/10
Cardio: Stairmaster at your own level-DO NOT HOLD OR LEAN ON RAILING 35 minutes minimum!
Dumbell Shoulder Raise
Reps: 15 @ (ex 7.5lbs) 12 @10lbs 10 @12.5lbs 8 @15lbs 6 @17.5lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Empty can Flys
reps: 15/12/10/8
Angled Dumbbell raise on bench
reps: 15/12/10
Military Shoulder Press with EZ Bar
reps: 15/12/10
Calves: Machine calf press-seated
Reps: 15 @ (ex 40lbs) 12 @50lbs 10 @60lbs 8 @70lbs 6 @80lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Standing calf raise-holding weights
reps: 15/12/10/8
Pigeon toe standing calf raise
reps: 15/12/10
Sumo stance calf raise
reps: 15/12/10
HIIT cardio:
fast walk/Jog at 40% to warm up, go 20 sec at 90-100%, walk fast 1 minute: 12 repetitions
Day 6----REST
Day 7***
Quads: Hack Squats
Reps: 15 @ (ex 90lbs) 12/ 10/ 8/ 6 **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Front Squat with EZ curl bar
reps: 15/12/10/8
Leg Extension
reps: 15/12/10
Reverse Squat machine
reps: 15/12/10
Hamstrings: Laying leg extension
Reps: 15 @ (ex 20lbs) 12 @25lbs 10 @30lbs 8 @35lbs 6 @40lbs **example weight, do not lift heavier than you are able to. If you have to repeat weight-do that, there is only going to be progress IF you don't hurt yourself!
rest 1 min btwn reps
Seated leg extension
reps: 15/12/10/8
reps: 15/12/10 (each arm)
Walking lunges
reps: 15/12/10 (each side)
Kisses! |
Some supplements to consider: Glutamine! I use a great powder form Its affordable & will help combat your sore muscles & help you recover faster. Amino acids, drink while you workout will help your muscles grow faster (ladies, growth doesn't necessarily mean bulk! You rip apart your muscles when you workout & they regrow stronger after during recovery!)
OK, I PROMISE YOU CAN DO THIS! This is a really good way to get the ball rolling after it dropped! You WILL be sore, but in as little as two weeks you WILL see a difference. After one month it will get easier to do, do this for 3 months and tweet me your before & after progress-with dates! If you show me your progress, I will send you a FREE gift special from me! Let's get this shit crackin peeps! I am here for you. Good luck and again, Happy New Year!
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