Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Ho! Ho! HO!
hey that's not nice! haha...its finally here! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope that everyone can at least get a chance to relax today...I am gonna try. I just finished 4 hours of baking! My 'traditional' kiss good! brownies-yum and THEN when I went to take the pumpkin pie out of the oven.....HAHAHA, it fell-ALL OVER THE stove and floor! everything from scratch too, needless to say-I will just be bearing cookies and brownies ;-) Oh well, I tried! I can't fucking believe I dropped the damn least it'll be a good story to tell everyone....I can't wait for my sisters to open their presents....that's my favorite part, seeing everyone's reactions to the gifts I give. Ok, I'm gonna go give myself a pedi and go to bed! sweet dreams....I hope santa brings you all what you want!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Holidays?
I don't know guys, this holiday season is a bit depressing...everyone getting fired or laid off....people defaulting on their payments....sigh! I am still trying to remain cheerful and am running around like a crazy women trying to get my xmas errands done....I am only shopping for the kiddies this year...well my youngest little sister, she has done exceptionally well in school so far this year all As and 1B, which is a COMPLETE turn around from last year. Her dad (not my dad) has a little gambling problem and she won't really be getting much I'm just getting what she "needs" lol, needs or wants, I guess its a fine line....I am already getting my xmas presents from all of my SO SWEET fans....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I know that this year is difficult for everyone and I really appreciate everyone being so kind as to remember me this Christmas. Okay, gotta run to the mall for the last minute details! Talk to you all soon! XXOO
Brianna J
Monday, December 22, 2008
My XMas Party!

I have been sooo busy, sorry its been a while that I've posted! Between working, working out and holiday crap I am exhausted! Business is bad now also, so that doesn't many people I know are getting forclosed on and loosing their jobs. I am so grateful that I am holding it together...hope I will be okay through the New Year....let's get this damn inaguration over with and get back on track! I really wanted to show my employees that I appreciated them sticking it out with me through these rough times, so I threw a mini-holiday party at one of my favorite places-Brio! It was so fun! I so rarely drink and definitly had WAAAAY too much wine last night! I think it'll be another 6 months before I drink again, haha! Here's some pics from dinner....btw, I hope you all loved my last gallery-HOT! Its only gonna get better people! lol-stay tuned and keep checking the site weekly for the latest!
xxoo Bri
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm DONE! Yay!
I did my 2 day shoot with Greg and it was so awesome! We got SUPER hot pics....he's so nice and not pervy at all-so we were able to get EXTRA crazy...I know you guys will LOVE all the upcoming content! Here's a sneak peek from a behind the scenes video! I got to totally relax today, I don't have to shoot until Jan so last night after we finished, I indulged in some amazing brownies-yes I make the best "regular" brownies that you will ever taste in your life! From scratch! Yum....then my sister and her new boyfriend and a friend of mine played mexican train (with dominos people!), so much fun. I banned working out today and just took the day for myself-and you guys with my hot update! Work ME out, was taken with ModFX models and was super fun! I know I insipired some ideas for some of their other shoots.... ;-) Tomorrow I will REALLY work it out and hit it hard again with an hour of weights, an hour of cardio and an hour of pilates....gotta work off those fantabulous brownies! Hope ya like the vid!!! xxoo Brianna
Monday, December 8, 2008
Omg! Super excited!
So I have been working all weekend to finish up my online store! It should be finished in a week or 2 latest! There's gonna be tons on stuff available, from my worn panties (yummy) and used toys to my autographed 8x10s, wall cling,etc! I can't wait! This week is gonna be Crazy! I have to get ready for my Friday shoot with Greg Hadel...I have to workout like a maniac and still take it easy so I don't get injured, then have to prepare for my fam coming to visit for only 1 day on thurs....then have to hire a new office girl-have several interviews to do this week...then have all my regular errands for the shoot, hair, nails, mall, lol! The list goes on and on....I hope you all have a really great week and stay tuned for updates! OH! and I NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!! Contact Show Magazine for me, tell them that you'd like to see ME on the cover and why: here's their myspace link:
Thanks everyone for your love and support!WET KISSES
Thanks everyone for your love and support!WET KISSES
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Let's do this!
Thanks to everyone who joined my webcam chat last night, I know you guys enjoyed my flashes-lol! Hope it helped you guys escape from your routines! I can't wait until the site really gets going and we have a ton of people chatting together. I think once the mags hit, it will go crazy! Can't all that flashing worked up an appetite and I went to Cheesecake factory with my sis and her new boytoy-lol! They're so cute together! Finally she picks a nice kid! We drove up and down the strip for old times and then girl talk into the early am hours....FUN! Just did this weeks update-hope we likey! Gotta go do some cardio! TTYL!
Friday, December 5, 2008
HOT outfits! Also LIVE webcam tonight 9pm-BE THERE!
I'm still in my beginning stages of the site, and can't wait to get to know each and everyone better! I will start doing earlier shows for all of my east coasters as the chats grow, more requests are made and I get some time! hehe...I have SO much goin on right now...its mid-week for me, and I am getting ready for my shoot next Friday-I got a bunch of HOT guys are gonna LOVE them! I have an early private pilates session but have to do some cardio before....then see my favorite chiro for a little adjustment and then I'm gonna hang out with my baby sister after my chat and take her to dinner or something....idk, she has a new boyfriend that she wants me to meet. You never think anyone's good enough for them ya know?! Oh well, gotta give him a shot I guess....You guys better be there for my webcam chat! You might see some skin, hehe! Tonight 9pm pst!
xoxo Brianna
xoxo Brianna
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
NEW!!! Do YOU wanna speak with ME on the phone??!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
What an awesome bday! All of my girls and employees pitched in and donated a bunch of cash and Neiman's gift certs and then I went to my Fav lowkey rest. Brio and for the 1st time in 3 years-yea that's true!!! I saw a movie in the theatre!!! Went to see Quantum of Solace....very good! Golden eye was still the shit but this was great too! I had such a great bday, thanks everyone!!! And for my Secret Admirer...thanks for the Louboutins!!! I will wear them for you in my next personal shoot! Here's me running to the movie, trying not to be late ;-)
XXOO Brianna
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!!! TODAY Dec 1st!!!
OMG!!! I'm 27 years young!!! I was freaking out a little I won't lie...but I look good, I feel good so fuck it! Everyone has to get older sometime...hehe. I drove back from the wedding in AZ last ended up being really nice. I went out with some family that night (sat) and partied just a little for my bday, since we were all together. It was a blast! I love being with all my fam and friends. I even got on the stripper pole at the lounge we were at, lol! It was super fun, the bride looked amazing and so did I damnit! haha, I'll post pics soon... I shot with Aziani yesterday, god it was one of the best shoots ever! Buzz and Rachael are so great! Buzz is a super fast photog, so it only ended up being a few hours of shooting and we got some great shots and videos! I think they'll be out in a few months....will keep ya'll posted! Ok, I know it's my bday, but I am going to the gym anyway! I didn't miss any days while traveling but I'm used to my gym and wanna work out my 27 year old ass!!! Muah! TTYL!
xxoo Brianna
xxoo Brianna
Friday, November 28, 2008
Not a good start!
So first off, I'm not thrilled I had to leave last night to be here for a super simple rehearsal that not everyone was there for anyway-my friend was TRIPPIN so I cancelled my Thanksgiving plans (no biggy) and reserved another night $$$ for the 'wedding' hotel and started off. It was pouring rain when I left but it got clearer as I got on the highway. I was already frustrated because my phone was blowing up and every time I answered it-I lost service! So I pull over to tinkle and let Baby tinkle and start up again...I'm only going about 40 mph since I was in a little town to tinkle. All of a sudden this little yellow thing jumps up outta the bushes on the side of the road and BAM! I hit something. So I stopped and looked at the bumper of my 760 and a part of it was missing...I turned around to find it (cuz BMW parts are a tid bit pricey and my warrenty ran out last week!) and I should have NEVER turned around! There he was, the little baby coyote...his eyes closed, just a little bigger than my Baby. He looked so helpless...he wasn't breathing and I couldn't touch him for fear of getting something that might make Baby sick. So I had to leave him there...I sat on the side of the road and balled hysterically for about 45 minutes and then finally sniffled my way back on the road. I get in late and still can't get the little coyote outta my mind...where the hell was his mom? He was definitly too small to be on his own....I don't know. This trip sucks so far! I got up this am and worked out and did my normal thing but still down. I went to the rehearsal dinner and tried to be as supportive and happy for her as I could...I was, just irritated that the weddings on TG and in a horrendous economy! Yuck...hopefully the ceremony will be awesome tomorrow for her and I can come back home to celebrate my bday! Talk to ya later! I hope you all stuffed your faces and then worked it off at the gym or under the covers! ;-)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy almost Turkey Day!
Honestly I could give 2 craps about the may sound cynical but I really feel like people use them as excuses to stop working, which messes me banks, no shopping, all businesses I deal with are closed. Ah well, I am gonna head out tomorrow and drive all day to AZ for my girls wedding so I'll be missing all the turkey festivities! Lol, no biggy-turkey doesn't agree with me anyway ;-o hehe, I hope that I will have some time to get to the stores on Friday, even though there are going to be a TON of crazy ladies trying to run me over to get all the deals...not looking forward to that, but I don't have a gift for my friend yet!!! The store she's registered at is exclusive to AZ so I'm screwed-not the fun way! I hope that you all get a chance to relax and hang with your families and friends and eat a lot of yummy food-remember to go to the gym on Fri! lol! I will still be posting my update either Fri or Sat night! Take care all, MUAH!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My 1st Live Webcam!
Well after a lot of trial and error last week, I finally figured it out!!! Yea! It was fun, thanks to those of you that were able to make know who you are. ;-) I know that as each week goes on, they will get better and better! This is a great chance for you guys to tell me what you'd like to see more of and ask me any questions to get to know me better! I even got to give Baby a cameo, lol! He was like-wtf are you doing, haha! I will be in Arizona next week, so can't do a chat until the following week, Dec 5th...Friday at 9pm pst! Don't be late! I am going to my girls wedding!!! She's getting married Thanksgiving weekend...and then shooting on Sun....this should be a super hot shoot! I can't wait to finally meet the Aziani's. Enjoy the rest of your weekend all, talk soon!!! Muah!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Lowrider and Twistys!
So I just drove back to Vegas from being in LA for 3 days! Super exciting....on tuesday I had my shoot with nicest people! It was so fun and wow, the videos that we made got a little more intense than I had planned...kinda just went with it! ;-) I know you guys will surely enjoy....then I had a day off on wed were my friend and I (and my son) went to the famous Rodeo Drive for the 1st time! It was so nice, we went to this awesome little cafe where I got a delicious eggwhite omelette! Baby even had a taste! Then today I shot with Lowrider Magazine, the car was beautiful! It turned out better than I expected...we got some really good pics-thanks Saul! You should look for me in newstands in May or June! I know its a looooong time to wait but until then you can see me on my site! Here's a preview though.....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Let's get ready for the weekend!

Here's a hot pic from my latest shoot!
Well you all can, I have to work as usual! Ha...but I had a great day today! I got word from Lowrider Magazine that I will be shooting with them this upcoming Thursday! Super exciting! I have my twistys shoot on Tues, so it looks like a mini-vacay to Cali! I am debating whether I should bring my little baby or not? If I don't I'll miss him sooooo much but if I do, he'll be sitting in the hotel wondering where his mom is at all day while I'm shooting! Idk, we'll see. I have SO many shoots scheduled! That means lots of HOT content for you guys! ;-) Talk soon, kisses to all my awesome fans!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Yea! Its here, finally...check it out!!!
Had a shoot today, pretty tired....will write more later.
Had a shoot today, pretty tired....will write more later.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hello all!
Whew! What a loooong week, Sema was awesome...a little bit smaller than last year but still cool! I will be doing a lot more shoots now-so I get an even crazier schedule guys! Hey, I'm so not complaining...I am super grateful for everything I have and for everything that I am able to do in my life. I am blessed to have some really good friends and family to keep me grounded and humble! I'm in such a great mood today....trying to make light of all the McCain people telling me that Obama is the scaaaary! Yikes, that's why we all have to be positive and grateful for everything! K, I have to get up very early (well for me! 12:30p) and its almost 4a here....gotta take the doggie out, wash my face and I'm hitting the sack!
Oh, I finally configured the webcam people! So I will have my 1st chat this upcoming week! Yea!!!
Oh, I finally configured the webcam people! So I will have my 1st chat this upcoming week! Yea!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So I vacillated whether or not to join myspace or not for a while now...I just always thought it was really stupid! The whole-will you be my friend thing, lol! After discovering that you can really network and even find long lost friends and the fact that EVERYONE and their mom has one, I broke down and created one! I didn't want just a plain ole myspace page either....with me, I always have to have the best! It has taken even longer than my website to create, lol! I seriously felt so retarded trying to navigate around myspace and all the codes and crap, so I found someone to make me a really cool one! Its almost done...probably will be online in a day or so! Yea! I have been patiently waiting forever it seems...
Today I went to SEMA! It was so packed and now my wittle feet hurt because I had to look cute and rock my! Its always worth it people! Always. There are a ton of things I still need to see, so I am going back tomorrow or Friday...its soooo early though, and we all know I am NOT a morning person. Check the myspace page for my SEMA pics!
Today I went to SEMA! It was so packed and now my wittle feet hurt because I had to look cute and rock my! Its always worth it people! Always. There are a ton of things I still need to see, so I am going back tomorrow or Friday...its soooo early though, and we all know I am NOT a morning person. Check the myspace page for my SEMA pics!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Hello all!
I hope everyone got a fix for their sweet tooth this Halloween! (I mean of me-hehe!) I just posted a bunch of new stuff...make sure you check it out! More to come at the end of this week. Everyone have a great week...Cema's here in Vegas and I will be soooo busy! I bet you'll find me there....I have a bit of a car habit to go with the shoe addiction-lol! Nite!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Wow, what a week! Always getting ready for shoots, pilates/gym/work/! I did get dressed up though...couldn't let a perfectly sexy outfit and VEGAS go to waste on Halloween. I had to hand out candy to all the cute litte kids and my little munster-I know its wrong but yes, I dressed up my wittle Baby as a Monster! haha....he was pissed! You can see a couple of pics as soon as my myspace is done. So I'm starting to learn all these web programs cuz my ultimate goal is to master my site alone and then help my girls build sites too! That's waaaay off, so for now I'm gonna focus on all my awesome members and put lots and lots into this site! Tomorrow comes all the new updates! So look for them this upcoming week. I have galleries and SUPER sexy videos coming out! Stay tuned! Muah!!! Hope you're all having a GREAT weekend!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ah, patience is a virtue!
Everyone is asking about Visa! I guess I have to be order to offer visa on the site, they do a 7-21 day hold?! Whatever, I will keep waiting I guess-nothing else I can do! So today is my usual day off from the gym but I am going anyway, I wanna start relaxing on Saturdays instead. I'm off to work it out then, upper body day today and always the lovely cardio. Maybe I'll go back to the park, it was soooo beautiful yesterday and Baby loved it! Have a lazy Sunday everyone!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
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